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2005 Ehret German Shepherds
German Shepherd Title Translations
The following translations are offered to help the person who is new to Czech and East German lines. Working titles, certifications and a few terms are offered to help in understanding the pedigree elements.
CKSP - Czech registration number
SKSP - Slovakian registration number
Barva srsti - Color (vlkoseda=sable, celocerna=black, cerna znaky= black & brown, hnede=light, tmave=dark)
Sourozenci - Littermates
0/0 - Left hip/right hip, negative for dysplasia
2/2 - Dysplasia in both hips
Vyborny - "V" or Excellent
Velmi dobry - Very Good
Dobry or dobra - Good
Trida or tr. - Class, as in selected to the 1st class or 2nd Breed Class.
Chov - Champion as in breed class champion.
Dozivotne - Selected to a Breeding Class for life.
Bonitacni Karta -
Breed Survey Card, a series of letters and numbers used to describe a particular dog.
Full Bonitacion - A dog who has been through a complete Breed Surveys, Rated, and been selected to a Breed Class.
Mistr. CR - Czech Champion (Working).
Mistr. SR - Slovak Champion (Working).
UM - Participant in Czech Nationals.
UM CR - Czech National Champion.
UM SR - Slovak National Participant.
UMS FCI - National Participant for the World FCI team.
UMS WUSV - National Participant for the World WUSV team.
Kraj. vit. - Regional Show Champion
vit. tr. - Czech Class Champion (Show)
ZP - Participant in Search & Rescue
SP - Tracking Title.
UP - National Participant.
UPM - Completion of Search & Rescue
SP/PS - Border Patrol dog title.
SP-VB - Police examination title.
ZM - Basic minimum (All 3 phases just for young dogs).
ZMP - Similar to ZVV, also includes Article Search (ZMMP=1st level, ZMP2=Highest Level).
ZPS - Special Tracking title.
ZPO - Protection title (SPO=Slovak equivalent). More bite work than in SchH.
PO - Protection dog.
ZLP - Avalanche dog.
ZZP - Search & Rescue dog.
ZVV 1, 2, 3 - Czech and Slovak (ZVV/SVV) title system is a utility dog system. More realistic and demanding on all levels as compared to the thousands of dog's that acquire a SchH3. Only 3 to 5 dog's yearly attain the ZVV3 title. This title includes long, detailed tracking phases, full obedience and extensive protection on and off leash. In Obedience, heeling with turns and about turns are dictated by the judge, so you never know where or when you will turn. An excellent detailed description is provided by our friends at SchraderhausK9
SchH 1, 2, 3 - A sport originated in Germany to evaluate a dog's ability in Tracking, Obedience, and Protection. Three levels; 1 degree the most elementary, 3 degree the most advanced.
IPO 1, 2, 3 - Similar to SchH according to international rules.
VA - Excellent Select
V - Excellent
SG - Very Good
G - Good
S - Sufficient
M - Insufficient
U - Unsatisfactory
a1 - excellent
a2 - good
a3 - fair
a6 - denotes rating by a foreign hip evaluation scheme (ie OFA rating)
DKK - Degeneracia Kostneho Klbu - denotes Czech hip rating, eg "DKK 0/0"
RTG - Rvtngen - denotes Slovak hip rating, eg "RTG 'a'"
HD-status:B1 - hip notation as noted by Denmark system (a,b,c)
0/0 on Finnish pedigree - denotes elbows; however Finland uses a,b,c scheme for hips
International HD Certification Comparisons
This chart is meant to be a relative guideline for roughly guessing equivalent hip ratings between various evaluation systems. Keep in mind that hip evaluations based on xrays can be largely subjective, based on personal interpretation, and a resubmittal of the exact same xrays to different evaluators within the same system could yield entirely different results. Some systems use multiple evaluators, measure with differing formulae, and some evaluate at 12 months which is prior to full physical maturity.
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Physical Features
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